22 Network Scanner Tool User’s Guide
System Options Tab
The Network Scanner Tool uses a modified FTP server that is controlled using the System Options
tab. This tab lets you set the FTP port number for communications with your computer as well as
allow FTP reads.
Security is provided by using a unique port (rather than the standard FTP port number) and by
allowing only receipt of files. The modified FTP server always uses an anonymous login so there
is no risk of a user name or password being intercepted. Since FTP Get commands can be
disabled, no other computer can read files that are sent to the modified FTP server.
If you check the “Allow FTP reads” box, this security may be compromised. Others will be able to
read files in the modified FTP server’s root directory.
System Options Tab Acquire Properties Tab
File Naming
The Sharp multifunction copier has a built-in method for naming images scanned to desktops. If
you wish to use the same file naming convention that Sharpdesk uses when using a locally
attached TWAIN scanner, check the ‘Override Copier file name settings’ box and hit the Details
button. This will bring up the Acquire Properties dialog box and allow you to set the naming
conventions according to your Sharpdesk preferences. As long as the Override Copier box is
checked, any changes made to file naming conventions, either through Network Scanner Tool or
Sharpdesk, will apply to both scans initiated locally on the user’s PC or scans sent to the user’s PC
through Network Scanner Tool.