[PIP MODES] (See page 33)
Function Sets the display method.
Adjustable range OFF/PIP (Picture in Picture)/PbyP (Picture by Picture)/PbyP2
Default OFF
OFF Displays one screen.
PIP Displays a sub screen inside a main screen.
PbyP Displays a main screen and a sub screen side by side.
Displays a main screen of the SXGA size (1280 x 1024) and a sub screen side by side.
Function Sets the size of the sub screen in PIP mode.
Adjustable range SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE
Default SMALL
Function Adjusts the horizontal position of the sub screen in PIP mode.
Adjustable range 0 - 100
Default 99 (Decreasing the value moves the sub screen to the left.)
Function Adjusts the vertical position of the sub screen in PIP mode.
Adjustable range 0 - 100
Default 1 (Increasing the value moves the sub screen upward.)
Function Displays the sub screen transparently on the main screen in PIP mode.
Adjustable range 0 - 15
Default 0 (Increasing the value makes the sub screen more transparent.)
Function Selects the signal input of the sub screen in PIP (Picture in Picture), PbyP
(Picture by Picture), or PbyP2 mode.
Adjustable range (PC) DIGITAL/ANALOG
Adjustable range (AV) COMPONENT/VIDEO
Function Outputs the specified sound in PIP, PbyP, or PbyP2 mode.
If the main screen is displayed as a full screen by the AUTO OFF function, the sound for
the main screen is output even when the sound for the sub screen is specified.
Adjustable range PC/AV
Specifies whether to display the main screen on the right or left in PbyP or PbyP2 mode.
Adjustable range LEFT/RIGHT
Default LEFT
[PbyP2 POS]
Function Sets the vertical position of the sub screen in PbyP2 mode.
Adjustable range TOP/CENTER/BOTTOM
Default CENTER
Function Sets whether to display the main screen as a full screen in PIP, PbyP, or
PbyP2 mode when there is no signal input for the sub screen.
Adjustable range MANUAL/AUTO
Default AUTO
Displays the main screen as a full screen when there is no signal input for the sub screen.
MANUAL Displays the sub screen in black when there is no signal input for the sub screen.