• Thisproductisforuseindoors.
• Sincethemonitorisheavy,consultyourdealerbefore
installing, removing or moving the monitor.
• Wheninstalling,removingormovingthemonitor,ensure
that this is carried out by at least 2 people.
• AmountingbracketcompliantwithVESAspecications
holes for installation.
• Whenmovingthemonitor,besuretoholditwitheither
failure, or injury.
• Installthemonitorwiththesurfaceperpendiculartoalevel
surface. If necessary, the monitor may be tilted up to 20
degrees upward or downward.
• Whenperforminganinstallationwherethemonitoris
stacked, please install it such that load is not placed on the
monitor frame.
• Mountingthemonitoronthewallrequiresspecialexpertise
dealer. You should never attempt to perform any of this
work yourself. Our company will bear no responsibility
for accidents or injuries caused by improper mounting or
• Thismonitorshouldbeusedatanambienttemperature
• Becarefulofhightemperaturesinthesurroundingarea.
ambient temperature may be outside of the range of 32ºF
to keep the ambient temperature within the required range.
• Temperatureconditionmaychangewhenusingthedisplay
together with the optional equipments recommended by
SHARP. In such cases, please check the temperature
condition specified by the optional equipments.
• Adheretothefollowingwheninstallingthemonitorinits
vertical orientation. Failing to adhere to the following may
cause malfunctions.
degrees to the right.
(See Operation guide.)
• Donotblockanyventilationopenings.Ifthetemperature
inside the monitor rises, this could lead to a malfunction.
• Aftermounting,pleasecarefullyensurethemonitoris
secure, and not able to come loose from the wall or mount.
• Donotplacethemonitoronadevicewhichgeneratesheat.
• Besuretouseawall-mountbracketdesignedor
designated for mounting the monitor.
• Thismonitorisdesignedtobeinstalledonaconcretewall
or pillar. Reinforced work might be necessary for some
materials such as plaster / thin plastic board / wood before
starting installation.
This monitor and bracket must be installed on a wall which
can endure at least 4 times or more the weight of the
monitor. Install by the most suitable method for the material
and the structure.
• Whenattachinganoptionalpart,followthestepsdescribed
in the manual for the optional part.
This manual contains instructions regarding connection and installation.
Adobe Reader is required in order to view the instruction manuals.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ............................................1
DEAR SHARP CUSTOMER ..............................................3
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..................................................3
TIPS AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ...............................5
MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS ............................................6
Supplied Components .....................................................7
Connecting Peripheral Equipment .................................7
Multiple screen connection ...........................................8
Preparing the Remote Control Unit ..............................10
Installing the batteries ................................................10
Remote control operation range .................................10
Connecting the Power Cord .........................................10
Binding Cables ...............................................................11
Removing the Handles ..................................................11
Afxing the Protection Covers .....................................11
Turning Power On/Off ....................................................12
Turning on the main power.........................................12
Turning power on/off ..................................................12
Disablingpoweron/offoperations ..............................12