
In the IRC system, customer data is centrally controlled by the master. Customer data which is temporarily
stored in the T-LOG buffer of a satellite is sent to the master by T-LOG polling and controlled by the master.
(For further information on T-LOG polling, see page 17.)
When a remote printer is included in the inline system, order data is output to the remote printer according
to the remote printer assignment.
The remote printer, also called a kitchen printer, is used to print all or part of the data entered at a machine.
Although kitchen may be one of the typical settings for the convenient use of the remote printer, it can also
be used at any location.
If a remote printer is assigned to a department or PLU, the information on the department or PLU is output
to the remote printer when the [NBAL] or [FINAL] key is touched or the transaction is finalized at a terminal.
The data which can be output to a remote printer is as follows:
1) Item text
2) Quantity*
3) Unit price*/Price*
4) Amount*
5) PLU/department code*
6) Free text*
7) Number of guests*
* Whether to print or not is selectable.
Second (back-up) remote printer
A second remote printer can be assigned to each remote printer for automatic back-up.
If an error occurs during data output to a remote printer, the data is output to the second remote printer
assigned to it.
When an error occurs during data output to the second remote printer, the data is output to the receipt
printer if there is one set up for the terminal.
Up to two remote printers can be preset to print data on each item (PLU or department).
If two printers are preset to print data on each item, the data is simultaneously output to both printers.
If either of these printers encounters an error, the data is output to its backup printer.
If the backup printer encounters an error, the data is output to the receipt printer if there is one set up for the
• For the programming of remote printers (KP#1-KP#9), see pages 43–45.
• Crate entry is not output to a remote printer.
15. Communication with a remote printer (option)
14. Customer data control