Proceed to “8. Downloading the contents of the IRC programming to satellites”, see page 34
— Inline preset.
The terminal numbers and machine numbers of the master and satellites must be entered into
the master list for IRC communications.
The terminal numbers and machine numbers of up to 64 machines (one master and 63
satellites) can be entered into the master list.
The terminal number should be within the range from 1 to 254 and the machine number from 1
to 999999.
A satellite can not perform inline communications unless its terminal and machine numbers
are present in the master list.
If a machine number which already exists in the master list is entered, an entry error will occur
even when the corresponding terminal number does not exist in the list.
Pressing the [ENTER] key sets the programmed terminal numbers and machine numbers
within the master’s list. Pressing the [CA/AT] key issues a receipt on the receipt/journal printer
when it exists.
The terminal numbers for remote printers is not preset.
(2) Deleting a machine from the master list
To delete a terminal number from the master list, proceed as follows:
1. Turn the mode switch to the PGM2 position.
2. Select “INLINE SETTING” and press the [ENTER] key. The INLINE SETTING menu will
3. Press the [ENTER] key. The MASTER LIST window will appear.
4. Select the terminal to be deleted and press the [DEL] key.
5. The machine will ask you as follows: “ARE YOU SURE?” If you are sure to delete it,
select “YES.” If not, select “NO.”
6. Press the [CA/AT] key to complete the master list.
7. Proceed to “8. Downloading the contents of the IRC programming to satellites”, see
page 34 — Inline preset.
You can delete any of the terminal numbers that are in the master list.
Deleting the master from the master list will inhibit all requests of the satellites from being