Currency exchange
Your POS terminal allows payment entries in a foreign currency (totally nine different foreign currencies
are available.) Pressing an exchange key creates a subtotal in foreign currency. Cash ([CASH 1] or
[CASH 2]) alone can be handled after currency exchange.
Touch the [EX n] key. The sales amount will appear in foreign currency at the receipt window.
Enter an amount tendered in foreign currency, and touch a cash key. The finalization operation is
If you receive the exact amount, directly touch a cash key.
To cancel the operation, touch [CL] key.
• When the amount tendered is short, its equivalent in deficit is shown in domestic currency.
• Change amount will be displayed in domestic currency.
• Credit and cheque tendering for exchange 1 may be available when EURO status is B or C. For
details of EURO status, please refer to “EURO Migration Function”.
Case of opening foreign currency drawer:
• At the timing of issuing receipt after tendering exchange amount.
• At the timing of issuing X/Z report (included CCD)
• The Exchange drawer open function is executed. When the EXCHANGE(n) key is touched simply out
of transaction, the foreign currency drawer is opened.