Decompression Dive Mode (DECO) is entered when nitrogen calculations determine that you cannot
safely surface without stopping at a predetermined depth to allow off gassing of absorbed nitrogen.
The Audible Alarm sounds, and the message DECO >> STOP >> xxFT (or xxM) scrolls at the top of
the screen (each on 2 seconds). The UP Arrow icon will be displayed flashing (Fig. 68), if 10 FT (3
M) deeper than the required Stop Depth, then is removed once within 10 FT (3 M) below the required
Stop Depth.
> Pressing and releasing the S button acknowledges and silences the Audible Alarm.
• Once DECO is activated, the Deep Stop and Safety Stop features and displays are disabled for
the remainder of that dive.
DECO STOP MAIN, information displayed includes (Fig. 69) -
• Graphics DECO >> STOP >> xxFT (or M) scrolling, each on for 2 seconds
• Stop Depth with FEET (or METERS) icon
• Stop Time with TIME - STOP icons
• NITROX icon, blank if Air
• Current Depth with FEET (or METERS) icon
• Total Ascent Time (min) with TOTAL ASCENT and MINUTES icons
• N2BG, all segment on solid
> Press and release the S button to activate the Backlight.
> Press and release the A button to access Alternate Displays that display information similar to
those previously described. The message continues to scroll when ALT screens are displayed.
Fig. 69 - Deco Stop Main
Fig. 68 - Deco Entry
DECO >> STOP >> xxFT (M)