
- 11 - Woodstock Intl., Inc. D2796
Ensure that the front edge of the template is par-
allel to the edge of the vertical workpiece. To
maintain a high degree of accuracy when adjust-
ing the template, measure at one end of the jig,
then measure at the other end. Make adjust-
ments to the template and re-measure both posi-
4. To measure at both ends of the jig, try shifting the
vertical piece to the other end of the jig or clamp
two pieces at each end of the jig as shown in See
Figure 15. It is not necessary to simultaneously
measure with two rulers. The two rulers only rep-
resent two measurement locations.
5. Tighten the two template lock knobs and re-check
your measurements.
Figure 15. Make sure template is parallel to drawer edges.