Series 24-HP Instruction Manual Chapter 3 Operation
IM-24-HP 3-7
Alarms Menu
Example for Setting an Alarm
The following shows how to set Alarm 1 to activate if the mass flow rate is greater than 100 lb/hr. You can check the
alarm configuration in the Run Mode by pressing the keys until Alarm [1] appears. The lower line displays the
mass flow rate at which the alarm activates. Note: all outputs are disabled while using the Setup Menus.
First, set the desired units of measurement:
1. Use keys to move to the Units Menu (see to page 3-9).
2. Press key until Mass Flow Unit appears. Press ENTER.
3. Press key until lb appears in the numerator. Press key to move the underline cursor to the
denominator. Press the key until hr appears in the denominator. Press ENTER to select.
4. Press key until Units Menu appears.
Second, set the alarm:
1. Use keys to move to the Alarms Menu.
2. Press the key until Alarm Output 1 appears.
3. Press key to access Measure selections. Press ENTER and use the key to select Mass. Press ENTER.
4. Press key to select the alarm Mode. Press ENTER and use key to select HIGH Alarm. Press ENTER.
5. Press key to select the value that must be exceeded before the alarm activates. Press ENTER and use
keys to set 100 or 100.0. Press ENTER.
6. Press the EXIT key to save your changes. (Alarm changes are always permanently saved.)
(Up to three alarm outputs are available depending on meter configuration.)