Appendix A Specifications Series 24-HP Instruction Manual
A-2 IM-24-HP
Nominal Pipe Size (in)
Pressure 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8
624 1472 3195 7849 13115 28034 51063 115775 203000
Typical Air Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates (SCFM)
Air at 70
0 psig
500 psig
100 psig
200 psig
300 psig
400 psig
Nominal Pipe Size (mm)
Pressure 15 20 25 40 50 80 100 150 200
21 36 79 138 313 549
350 584 1307 2275 5157 9034
52 87 194 337 764 1339
2080 3476 7775 13533 30682 53749
70 117 262 457 1035 1814
3819 6381 14273 24844 56329 98676
85 142 317 551 1250 2190
5565 9299 20801 36205 82087 143801
97 162 363 632 1434 2511
7318 12229 27354 47612 107949 189105
118 198 442 770 1745 3057
862 2034 4414 10843 18119 40529 70544 159942 280187
Typical Air Minimum and Maximum Flow Rates (nm
Air at 20
0 barg
5 barg
10 barg
15 barg
20 barg
30 barg
Linear Range Smart electronics corrects for lower flow down to a Reynolds number of 5,000. The Reynolds
number is calculated using the fluid’s actual temperature and pres-
sure monitored by the meter. Rangeability depends on the fluid,
process connections and pipe size. Consult factory for your applica-
tion. Velocity rangeability under ideal conditions is as follows:
Liquids 30:1 1 foot per second velocity minimum
30 feet per second velocity maximum
Gases 30:1 10 feet per second velocity minimum
300 feet per second velocity maximum