User Guide
48 2130374
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer—A company that
manufactures a product and sells it to a reseller.
originate The origin of a connection or message. Mobile originated
means the connection of message starts from the mobile and
goes to the network for termination at the destination.
Contrast with terminate.
packet A short fixed-length block of data including a header that is
transmitted as a unit in a communications network.
PC Card™ Add-in memory and communications cards for portable
computers. PC Card is a trademark of the Personal Computer
Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA).
PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card International Associ-
ation—The organization that standardizes PC Cards.
PCS Personal Communications Services—A cellular communi-
cation infrastructure that uses a different frequency range than
PRI Product Release Instructions
PRL Preferred Roaming List. See also roaming.
protocol A defined procedure for determining the proper way of
exchanging information on a network.
terminate The destination of a connection or message. Mobile termi-
nated means the connection of message arrived at the mobile
from the network. Contrast with originate.
reverse channel A connection channel for moving data from the mobile to the
network. Contrast with Forward Channel.
RF Radio Frequency
roaming A cellular subscriber is in an area where service is obtained
from a cellular service provider that is not the subscriber’s
SAR Specific Absorption Rate—A test metric for RF exposure.
simple IP The standard method of allocating IP addresses to mobile units
as they register with network serving stations (handoff). This
is typically a dynamic IP addressing mechanism managed
through DHCP. See also Mobile IP.
SMS Short message services—A feature that allows users of a
wireless device on a wireless network to receive or transmit
short electronic alphanumeric messages (up to 160 characters,
depending on the service provider).
TCP Transmission Control Protocol—The common underlying
communication protocol used on the Internet. A connection
handshake establishes a point to point logical connection. In