2110291 Rev 1.0 Page 1
1. About this Guide
1.1. Introduction
This Migration Guide is designed to assist application software developers who have experience
with the DART 200 in porting applications for use with the new DART 300 CDPD modem.
Installations will require changes to the DART configuration commands used on the DART 200 in
order to use the DART 300 in its place. There should not be a need to alter either local or remote
system applications related to end-to-end communication. Only the DART modem’s initial one-
time configuration needs to be converted.
1.1.1. Document Structure
This guide is organized into the following sections:
• Section 1, About this Guide, introduces the references and conventions used.
• Section 2, Sample Configurations, provides DART 300 equivalents of the samples
that were included in the original DART 200 User Manual.
• Section 3, Difference Summary, highlights the differences between the two models in
areas such as: interfaces, operation, and control considerations, as well as
• Section 4, Comparative AT Command Reference, cross-references the commands
and registers of the DART 200 and the DART 300.
The final section, providing the command and register comparison, first presents the list of
DART 200 commands and registers and their equivalents in the DART 300. This list should allow
you to translate any existing DART 200 configuration into an equivalent DART 300 set-up.
There is then an additional list of commands, unique to the DART 300, with an explanation of
how the DART 200 would achieve the same function. This is provided to help users familiar with
the DART 200 to better understand the commands available in the DART 300.
1.2. References
For background information on the nature of wireless communications consult your cellular
service provider and/or their Internet site. All major service providers provide web-based
information on CDPD.
The Sierra Wireless web site at www.sierrawireless.com
includes a document library in the
Support and Downloads section. This library includes other useful documents such as:
• DART 300 User’s Guide, 2110212
• Glossary of Terms and Acronyms, 2110032
• CDPD Primer, 2130006
• Problem Report Sheet, 2110125