Regulatory Information
Section 3B. Regulatory Information 31
Portions of this product are covered by some or all of the following US patents:
5,515,013 5,629,960 5,845,216 5,847,553 5,878,234 5,890,057 5,929,815
6,169,884 6,191,741 6,199,168 6,339,405 6,359,591 6,400,336 6,516,204
6,561,851 6,643,501 6,653,979 6,697,030 6,785,830 6,845,249 6,847,830
6,876,697 6,879,585 6,886,049 6,968,171 6,985,757 7,023,878 7,053,843
7,106,569 7,145,267 7,200,512 7,287,162 7,295,171 D442,170 D459,303
D559,256 D560,911
and other patents pending.
Licensed by QUALCOMM Incorporated under one or more of the following United States
patents and/or their counterparts in other nations:
4,901,307 5,056,109 5,101,501 5,109,390 5,228,054 5,267,261 5,267,262
5,337,338 5,414,796 5,416,797 5,490,165 5,504,773 5,506,865 5,511,073
5,535,239 5,544,196 5,568,483 5,600,754 5,657,420 5,659,569 5,710,784
Manufactured or sold by Sierra Wireless or its licensees under one or more patents
licensed from InterDigital Group.
SPRINT and other trademarks are trademarks of Sprint Nextel.
Sierra Wireless, Compass, the Sierra Wireless logo, and the red wave design are
trademarks of Sierra Wireless.
is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.