WA_DEV_W218_PTS_002 Rev 005 Page 4 of 109
Product Technical Specification &
Customer Design Guidelines
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Document Update History
Addition of Power Consumption table and software note in section 3.3.2
Document Cover/Footer: Updated the file name (from
WA_DEV_W218_PTS_002-002 to WA_DEV_W218_PTS_002-003), the
revision number and the revision date.
Throughout the document: adjusted figure size to better display components
and their corresponding values.
§ 1.1.1: Updated the 4
reference document name to Customer Process
Guideline for WISMO Series.
§ 3.5: Changed the section title to “SPI Bus for Debug Trace ONLY”.
§ 3.5.1:
Changed the SPI-CLK Pin number from 16 to 15
Added an additional sentence at the end of the paragraph text
§ Changed the value of X101 from 3.6884MHz to 3,6864MHz.
§ 3.11.2: Changed the PWM1 Pin number from 27 to 35.
§ 3.12.3: Updated the section description.
§ 5.2.2: Changed the Recommended connection when not used column for
Pin 18, TX_CTRL from “2.8V TX Burst Indicator” to “not connected”.
§ 5.4: Updated the description for Class B condition.
§ 5.5.2:
Updated the section description
Deleted Figure 40: Recommended PCB landing pattern for WISMO218