Key Type Value Description
Operator’s Manual LBA-PC
Doc. No. 10654-001, Rev 4.10
When the process is completed the LBA-PC sets the Operation Complete bit (bit 0) in the Event
Status Register (see *ESR).
TophatSDMMinor B,B Min,Max test enable.
TophatSDMMinorMin F Tophat SD/M Y minimum.
0 to 1e3.
TophatSDMMinorMax F Tophat SD/M Y maximum.
0 to 1e3.
A.5.3.6 pass/fail divergence configuration
Key Type Value Description
DivergenceMajor B,B Min,Max test enable.
DivergenceMajorMin F Divergence X or Major min., in milli-
0.0 to 3142.0.
DivergenceMajorMax F Divergence X or Major max., in milli-
0.0 to 3142.0.
DivergenceMinor B,B Min,Max test enable.
DivergenceMinorMin F Divergence Y or Minor min., in milli-
0.0 to 3142.0.
DivergenceMinorMax F Divergence Y or Minor max., in milli-
0.0 to 3142.0.
A.5.4 Remote Specific Commands
If a key is not specified with the command then the default value is the last value set (restore config,
previous command) unless otherwise specified in the description.
Range checking is performed on all values in key=value for each transmitted command. If any value is
invalid or out of range then the entire command is ignored and the range error bit is set (see :ELR?).
A.5.4.1 CAL - ultra cal
:CAL <configuration>
If you do not send a parameter then the LBA-PC begins an automatic camera calibration process.