
October 30, 1997
2.2 Dewar Temperature
The dewar now has a temperature sensor and heater. For normal operation, the temperature controller
should be used to set the detector temperature to 80.0K. If the controller is not used, drifts can occur
as the telescope is moved, resulting in dark current instabilities in the array. The new array is not
thought to be more sensitive to these effects than the previous detector, but some of the anomalies
previously seen by observers with the original QUIRC detector may have been due to this effect.
2.3 Camera Sensitivity
The following sensitivity estimates are based on observations of 2 standard stars at the UH 2.2m
telescope on 2/6/96. The Point SRC (source) and Mag/arcsec
values are for 1 minute of on-source
integration time, 5
. The point source detection values below assume a PSF of 0.5 arcsec FWHM.
Table 2. QUIRC Sensitivity
UH 2.2m Telescope
Filter Point SRC(Mag) Mag/arcsec
Jy/ADU (1 sec)
J 18.6 17.9 1.052e-6
H 17.8 17.1 8.295e-7
K 16.2 15.5 9.622e-7
H+K 18.6 17.9
2.3.1 QUIST sensitivity
The following numbers are based on observations of standard stars using QUIST at the UH 0.6m
telescope on 2/9/97. The Point SRC (source) and Mag/asec
are for 1 minute of integration time, 5
sigma. The point source detection values below assume a PSF of 2.5 pixels FWHM.
Table 2. QUIRC Sensitivity on QUIST
Filter Point SRC(Mag) Mag/arcsec
Jy/ADU (1 sec)
K’ 14.5 16.4 7.644e-5
Hs 14.7 16.6 2.291e-4
Hl 14.3 16.2 2.391e-4
2.12 12.0 15.0 4.563e-6
2.26 12.7 15.5 1.412e-5
3 Setup and Observing with QUIRC
The nominal orientation for QUIRC at the 88-inch telescope is for the black electronics box on the
dewar (the utility box) to point North (toward the control room). Then the resulting FITS data files
written by the program have N up and E to the left (i.e. the (0,0) pixel is in the SE corner).