Product: TDP-52-SN3 /
The Car Kit includes a phone holder (KDS-50), a car box (UDH-50), an
antenna, an installation base, a hf speaker, a microphone and a cable. The Car
Kit sales package also includes an installation material bag, which contains the
necessary installation equipment. On page 7 you will find a diagram of
connections explaining how to install the Car Kit.
3.2.1 Antenna
Choose a suitable place for the antenna. It is recommended that you place the
antenna on the roof of the vehicle.
3.2.2 Phone Holder KDS-50
Choose such a place for the phone holder in the vehicle that will be both easy
and safe when using the phone. Remember to leave enough space for the
antenna plug behind the phone holder. First, fix the installation base to the
place you have chosen, and then install the phone holder in the installation
3.2.3 Microphone
Install the microphone so that it is aimed directly at the user, and comes as
close as possible to the user’s mouth. A good place for the microphone is near
the rearview mirror where the noise level is lower than, for example, beside a
windshield pillar. It is also possible to install the microphone on a sun visor, but
then it will be inconvenient to use the sun visor and microphone at the same
time. One alternative would be a swan-neck microphone as it can be placed
closest to the user’s mouth.
3.2.4 Cable
Obtain the necessary +-electricity from a suitable place, preferably directly
from the battery of the vehicle. Connect the fuse chamber to the +-wire. You
will find the fuse chamber in the installation material bag. Connect the ground
lead to the frame of the car with a short wire.
3.2.5 External Handset HDS-50
Install the external handset the same way as you installed the phone holder.