2. Follow Microsoft installation procedure to install
Windows accordingly.
3. Restart your system when prompted by Windows
4. At the Windows Setup screen, press F6 to install the
5. Insert the driver diskette. Press S then press Enter.
6. Select Silicon Image SiI 3x12 SATARaid Controller
for Windows XP/Server 2003/Vista and press Enter.
7. Press Enter to continue and follow on-screen
instructions to complete the installation.
When Windows installation completes, go to SATARaid
GUI on page 17 and install the RAID monitoring utility.
For An Existing Installation
1. Install the board and boot up Windows.
2. At the Found New Hardware Wizard.
XP (w/SP1 or earlier)/Server 2003: continue to step #3.
XP (w/SP2 or later)/Server 2003 (w/ SP1 or later): select
No, not this time, then click Next.
3. Insert driver CD, select Install the software
automatically (Recommended), then click Next.
Note: Most systems will install the driver
automatically after inserting driver CD.
4. Click Next, then click Finish.
5. Remove the driver CD, shutdown Windows, and
setup your RAID array.
When Windows resumes, go to SATARaid GUI on page
17 and install the RAID monitoring utility.