To verify successful Windows installation:
1. Check Device Manager to verify successful driver
Windows 98SE/ME: From the main desktop, right
click My Computer, then click Properties. Click
Device Manager tab.
Windows 2000/XP: Right click My Computer, then
click Manage. Click Device Manager.
2. Double click 1394 Bus Controller or IEEE 1394 Bus
host controllers option.
- An IEEE 1394 Host Controller should be displayed.
Mac OS Driver Installation
To ensure proper operation of the 1394 PCI Adapter in
your Mac, some Mac OS require the most current
FireWire software from Apple. Apple's website contains
all the information needed to download and install
FireWire software update. Mac software download URL
is http://www.info.apple.com/support/downloads.html.
When you are at the download page, type in firewire
2.3.3 in the Search for Downloads box, then click GO.
The information below will help you decide whether or
not to download and install the latest FireWire driver
1. Mac OS 9.1, 9.2.x, and Mac OS X or later have
built-in FireWire driver support with the operating
system. No driver installation is needed.
2. Mac OS 9.0.x users should download and install the
FireWire software update version 2.5 or later.
3. Mac OS 8.6 users should download and install the
FireWire software update version 2.3.3.