Appendix E
RS-232 communication
RS-232C communication
Connect the computer and projector while both are off and make sure the projector is
turned on first. The connector scheme (from left to right) is:
• top (pin 9,8,7,6): not used, not used, not used, not used
• bottom (pins 5,4,3,2,1) : ground, not used, receive data, send data, not used.
RS-232C jack D-sub 9-pin
Communications setting
1.Command data
Command data (3) + Setting value (2).
2.Requesting projector status (Read command)
3.Changing the projector settings (Write command)
Computer (Windows) - HyPer Terminal
Command Or Read command
In Hyper Terminal, Press Enter Key
(Ex.BRI 20 Sets the brightness to 20)
RS-232 Port Settings
Setting Value
bits per second 57600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
RS-232 Port Settings
Function Command Response
Brightness (BRI ??) (0-99)
Contrast (CON ??) (0-99)
Write Command Examples
Function Command Response
Brightness (BRI 10) Brightness Write OK
Contrast (CON 10) Contrast Write OK