• Choose the Date Stamp icon and
then select “On” to record the date
stamp (the current time and date)
while taking still pictures.The date
appears in the lower right corner of
all pictures.
• Choose the Date Stamp icon and
then select “Off” when you do not
wish to record the date stamp.
• Choose the Flicker icon and then
select the flicker rate setting (50Hz
or 60Hz) for your country.The flicker
rate for the United States is 60Hz.
• Choose the Flashback Period icon
and then select the length of time
you wish the Flashback feature to
record: 5, 10, 15 or 20 seconds.
• Choose the Default icon to change
all the menu option settings back to
the factory defaults.
Other Menu Options
If you want to... Do this...
Record the Date Stamp
Select the Flicker Rate
Set the Flashback Period
Note: See Flashback, page
17, for more information.
Select the Factory Default