Robertson RGC12 Gyro Compass
38 20220844B
5.5 Change Over Unit
1. Main power supply: ................................................ 100/220VAC 1Φ 50/60 Hz, 16.5VA
2. Emergency power supply: ......................................................................... 24VDC, 13.5W
3. Output: ..........................................Real load repeater 1/6° 24VDC 9 circuits 8.5A max.
Digital: 1) Tokimec proprietary/RS422
(True bearing/Speed/Rate of turn)............................................x 4 ports
2) NMEA0183/RS422 (True bearing/Rate of turn)......................x 8 ports
Analogue 1) Rate of turn -5 through +5V (30°/min)......................................x 3 ports
Scaleover Greater than ±30°/min ±5V ......................................x 3 ports
2) Rate of turn -10 through +10V (120°/min)................................x 3 ports
Scaleover Greater than ±120°/min ±5V ....................................x 3 ports
(Analogue (2) is since SCU Ver. 1. 18. )
Note ! Analogue output (1) and (2) cannot be output simultaneously.
Repeater backup 1/6° 24VDC 3 circuits 2.5A max.
4. Indication 7 segments: No. 1 True bearing / No. 2 True bearing / Deviation /
Deviation alarm setting / No. Alarm / No. 2 Alarm
5. Power supply specifications:
Model No. Manufacturer Primary (input) Secondary (output)
85-264VAC 1Φ
47-440 Hz
PS102 VTM-01C-24 ETA 19-32VDC +5VDC±0.3V
PS103 VTM-01C-24 ETA 19-32VDC +5VDC±0.3V
6. Input : The following input signal must be applied to each gyro-compass of
No. 1 and No. 2.
Analogue signal 200 pulse/nm dry contact ......................................................x 1 port
Digital signal (GPS) RS422/NMEA0183 (Latitude/Longitude/Speed) .......x 1 port