Conversion Kit
Minimum adjustment for Natural Gas
Light the burner and take it to the minimum.
Remove the gas tap knob and turn the adjustment screw inside or at the side of the tap
shaft (depending on the model) until there is a regular minimum flame.
Replace the knob and check burner flame stability: (rapidly turning the knob from
maximum to minimum position, the flame should not go out).
Repeat the operation on all the gas taps.
Minimum adjustment for LP
For regulating the minimum with LP, the screw at the side of the tap rod must be turned clockwise all the
The bypass diameters for each individual burner are shown in point 4.
Once the regulation has been completed, replace the seal on the by-passes using paint or similar
Completely fill out conversion label (part no. 91849A078) and attach the label in the storage
compartment beside the rating tag. Do not cover the rating tag with the conversion label.
At higher altitudes, no further adjustments are necessary. Derating the burners is also unnecessary.
Save the nozzles removed from the unit along with these instructions for possible future use.
To convert back to Natural Gas: Follow steps 3 through 5 and replace the nozzles in the order in which
they were removed.