snom 3x0 VoIP Phones User Manual English
© snom technology AG 2007
Phone Configuration
• 35
Ringtones are used to indicate incoming calls (see page 63).
Different methods with different priorities (1 = highest priority, 5 = lowest priority) are
used to assign a ringtone to an incoming call:
Only for advanced users or system administrators:
1. SIP Header „Alert-Info“ contains URL of a
custom melody ringtone file
Setup Advanced Audio
Alert-Info playback
: <ON>
2. SIP- Header „Alert-Info“ refers to
10 built-in ringtones + Silent
Setup Preferences Alert-Info Ringer
Alert Internal / External / Group Text
: <Text used in “Alert-Info” to assign a ringtone to
internal / external / group calls>
Alert Internal / External / Group Ringer
: <Ringer 1-10; Silent>
For phone users:
3. Contact types in the directory (see page 81) can be mapped to
10 built-in ringtones + Silent + 1 custom melody ringtone
Setup Preferences
Directory Ringtones:
<Ringer 1-10; Silent; Custom Melody URL>
Setup Preferences
Custom Melody URL:
< URL to a WAV file on a HTTP(S) server >
4. Each extension (SIP Identity) can be mapped to
10 built-in ringtones + Silent + 1 custom melody ringtone
Setup Identity X Login Login Information
: <Ringer 1-10; Silent; Custom Melody URL>
Setup Identity X Login Login Information
Custom Melody URL
: <URL to a WAV file on a HTTP(S) server>
5. Default ringtone can be mapped to
10 built-in ringtones+ Silent
Setup Preference Ringtone defaults
Default Ringer:
<Ringer 1-10; Silent>
L Note: Users are recommended to map ringtones either to different extensions (4)
or different contact types in the directory (3).
The default ringtone (5) should be played only when the phone cannot identify an
incoming call as either (3) or (4).
Custom melody ringtones are mono WAV files using PCM at 8 kHz with 16
bit/sample (linear). Sample files are available for download at
http://snom.com/download/melodyX.wav (X=1-8)