including the cables, plugs and accessories should be disposed of separate-
ly in order to allow proper treatment, recovery and recycling. These products
should be taken to a designated facility where the best available treatment,
recovery and recycling techniques are available. Separate disposal has
significant advantages: valuable materials can be re-used and it prevents the
dispersion of unwanted substances into the municipal waste stream. This
contributes to the protection of human health and the environment.
Please be informed that a fine may be imposed for illegal disposal of
electrical and electronic products via the general municipal waste stream.
In order to facilitate separate disposal and environmentally sound recycling,
arrangements have been made for local collection and recycling. In case
your electrical and electronic products need to be disposed of please refer
to your supplier or the contractual agreements that your company has made
upon acquisition of these products.
For countries outside the European Union:
Disposal of electrical and electronic products in countries outside the Euro-
pean Union should be done in line with the local regulations. Please contact
the local authorities for further information.
Battery disposal information:
Defect or exhausted batteries should never be disposed of as municipal
waste. Return old batteries to the battery supplier, a licensed battery dealer
or a designated collection facility. Do not incinerate batteries.
It is recommended that the customer install an AC surge arrester in the
AC outlet to which this device is connected. This is to avoid damage to the
equipmen t caused by local strikes of lightening and other electrical surges.
SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) Compliance
Safety status of Input/Output connections comply to SELV requirements.
Warning: To avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra-low voltage
(SELV) circuits to telephone-network voltage (TNV) circuits. LAN ports
contain SELV circuits, and PSTN ports contain TNV circuits. Some LAN and
PSTN ports both use RJ-45 (8P8C) connectors. Use caution when connect-
ing cables.
snom technology AG reserves the right to revise this document and make
changes at any time and without the obligation to notify any person and/or
entity of such revisions and/or changes.
Product specifications contained in this document are subject to change
without notice.