58 • Call Register
[ S N O M 2 0 0 U S E R M A N U A L V 2 . 0 2 ]
snom technology AG • 59
[ S N O M 2 0 0 U S E R M A N U A L V 2 . 0 2 ]
Settings via Web Browser
It is usually more convenient to use a web browser to congure
the settings. The snom 200 has an integrated web server to congure its
settings. If the phone is connected to a network that provides DHCP, it can
be immediately accessed via the browser after boot-up. In case you do not
want to use DHCP, you must specify the IP address, netmask, gateway,
DNS domain and DNS server statically to ensure correct operation.
Web conguration
§ Start your web browser (e.g. Netscape, IE).
§ Enter the IP address of the phone as the URL (e.g. If you do not know the IP address, please ask your
network administrator or press and have a look at your phone’s
submenu “Information” and select item IPAdr.