1. Open the slot cover at the top of the SoMo 650, then insert
o not insert the card upside-down or force the card
in too hard.
the card into the appropriate slot. Make sure the card is right
side up. D
2. When SocketScan is running, a SocketScan icon will appear at
the bottom of the Today screen. Make sure the appropriate
icon appears to indicate that your device is ready to collect
Icon Meaning
No Socket data collection device detected.
Ready to scan bar codes with the Secure Digital Scan
Ready to read magnetic stripe data with the CF Mag
Stripe Reader Card
wiReady to scan bar codes th the CF Scan Card 5E/5M/5P
or CF RFID Reader-Scan Card 6M/6P
Ready to scan bar codes with the CF Scan Card 5X
Ready to read RFID tags with the CF RFID Reader Card
NOTE: If you insert the card before starting SocketScan, no
icon will appear.