
DAB1 Inbound Serial Commands
Each DAB1 inbound serial command begins with a colon character (:), followed by a single letter that indicates the desired
command, then one or more parameters, and ends with a carriage return (<cr>).
CCoommmmaanndd SSyynnttaaxx PPaarraammeetteerrss SSttaattee CCoommmmeennttss
Zone Power :Zxy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; y = State 1 = On; 0 = Off Discrete Zone Setting
All Zones Off :Zy<cr> y = State 1 = On; 0 = Off Global Setting Only
Source Select :Sxy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; y = Source 1 – 4 Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Tuner Preset :Ryy<cr> yy = Preset 1 – 12 Memory Preset # Global Setting Only
Tuner Preset Step :R++<cr> ++ = Next Preset Adjustable Requires Firmware v2.0
:R--<cr> -- = Previous Preset Adjustable or higher
Tuner Band :Ny<cr> y = State 1 = FM; 0 = AM Global Setting Only
Volume :Vxyy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; yy = Vol 0 – 60 Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Volume Step :Vx++<cr> ++ = increase 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
:Vx--<cr> -- = decrease 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Page Volume :Gxyy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; yy = Vol 0 – 60 Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Page Volume Step :Gx++<cr> ++ = increase 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
:Gx--<cr> -- = decrease 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Mute :Mxy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; y = State 1 = Mute On; 0 = Mute Off Discrete Zone Setting
Balance :Bxyyy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; yyy = Bal -10 – +10 Adjustable; Center = 0 Discrete Zone Setting
Balance Bump Step :Bx++<cr> ++ = increase 1 step to right Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
:Bx--<cr> -- = increase 1 step to left Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Bass :Lxyy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6 yy = Bass -8 – +8 Adjustable; Flat = 0 Discrete Zone Setting
Bass Bump Step :Lx++<cr> ++ = increase 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
:Lx--<cr> -- = decrease 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Treble :Hxyy<cr> x = Zone 1 – 6; yy = Treble -8 – +8 Adjustable; Flat = 0 Discrete Zone Setting
Treble Bump Step :Hx++<cr> ++ = increase 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
:Hx--<cr> -- = decrease 1 step Adjustable Discrete Zone Setting
Simulate Button Press :Pzxyyy<cr>
SSeeee SS
oonn ppaaggee 4488
After each command is received the DAB1 will respond with ‘+OK’ if the command is recognized and executed, or ‘+ERR’
if the command is invalid. Note that even valid commands will return ‘+ERR’ if the DAB1 is not able to process them
(i.e. if it is turned OFF).