Log > Reports
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
Data Collection
The Reports window includes the following functions and commands:
• Data Collection section
Click S
tart Data Collection to begin log analysis. When log analysis is enabled, the button
label changes to Stop Data Collection.
• View Data Section
Click Reset Dat
a to clear the report statistics and begin a new sample period. The sample
period is also reset when data collection is stopped or started, and when the SonicWALL
security appliance is restarted.
View Data
Select the desired report from the Report View menu. The options are Web Site Hits,
Bandwidth Usage by IP Address, and Bandwidth Usage by Service. These reports are
explained below. Click Refresh Data to update the report. The length of time analyzed by the
report is displayed in the Current Sample Period.
Web Site Hits
Selecting Web Site Hits from the Report View menu displays a table showing the URLs for the
25 most frequently accessed Web sites and the number of hits to a site during the current
sample period.
The Web Site Hits report ensures that the majority of Web access is to appropriate Web sites.
If leisure, sports, or other inappropriate sites appear in the Web Site Hits Report, you can
choose to block the sites. For information on blocking inappropriate Web sites, see
Chapter 71,
Configuring SonicWALL Content Filtering Service.
Click on the name of a Web site to open that site in a new window.
Bandwidth Usage by IP Address
Selecting Bandwidth Usage by IP Address from the Report View menu displays a table
showing the IP address of the 25 top users of Internet bandwidth and the number of megabytes
transmitted during the current sample period.
Bandwidth Usage by Service
Selecting Bandwidth Usage by Service from the Report View menu displays a table showing
the name of the 25 top Internet services, such as HTTP, FTP, RealAudio, etc., and the number
of megabytes received from the service during the current sample period.
The Bandwidth Usage by Service report shows whether the services being used are
appropriate for your organization. If services such as video or push broadcasts are consuming
a large portion of the available bandwidth, you can choose to block these services.