151Register Operations in the Menus
Chapter 13 Keyframe Effects
Press [Effect Dissolve], turning it on.
Turn the knob to set the duration.
Effect Status Display
The Effect>Effect menu displays the following information.
Region name: The selected region name appears in the upper part of the list.
Register number
Register name
Write-protected status: When the register is write-protected, a letter “L”
Empty status: When the register is empty, a letter “E” appears.
Effect Register Editing
You can carry out the following editing on effect registers and master timeline
• Lock: Write-protect the contents of the register.
• Copy: Copy the contents of one register to another register.
• Merge: Merge the data of two registers. It is not possible to merge master
timeline registers.
•Move: Move the contents of one register to another register.
• Swap: Swap the contents of two registers.
• Delete: Delete the contents of a register.
• Name: Attach a name to a register.
Write-protecting the contents of the effect register
Use the following procedure.
It is not possible to write-protect an empty register.
In the Effect menu, press VF2 ‘Effect’ and HF2 ‘Lock.’
The Lock menu appears.
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
2 Duration Dissolve duration 0 to 999 (frames)