3. Select [All Apps] → [Skype] → [Contacts] or [History].
Select [Contacts] to use your Skype contact list. Select [History] to
use the call history list.
4. Select the contact or phone number to call → (Video Call) or
(Voice Call).
About the status icons in the contact list
A status icon is displayed next to your contacts, so you know if they are
available to have a conversation.
The list below indicates their availability:
: Online, : Away, : Do Not Disturb, : Offline, : Offline (with call
forwarding enabled),
: Phone contact, : Offline (with voice mail
About the status icons in the call history list
The icons in the history list indicate the following:
: Missed Call, : Incoming Call..., : Outgoing Call..., : Voice
: Contact Request
To call by entering a phone number
Press the HOME button, then select [Apps] → [All Apps] → [Skype] →
[Tools] → [Call Phone Number]. Enter a phone number, then select
To add contacts to the contact list
You can add contacts in the following ways:
Press the HOME button, then select [Apps] → [All Apps] → [Skype] →
[Tools] → [Find Contacts]. Enter a Skype name, full name or e-mail
address, select [Search], the Skype name/full name to call, then select
[Add to Contacts].