
Creative Style settings
Scene Selection
Sports action
Night view
B / W
Night portrait /
Night view
80~51% 50~21% 20~1%
RGB histogram display
Macro Sports action
Portrait Landscape
Sunset Night portrait / Night view
Photo display on a PhotoTV HD-compatible BRAVIA HDTV
The seamless integration of
creative freedom and operating ease
New menu list for easy access to essential settings Easy dial access to basic exposure and scene modes
Selectable 16
9 aspect ratio for widescreen viewing
Power and versatility for extended shooting
2.7-inch Clear Photo LCD monitor for on-the-spot image review
Auto pop-up f lash
Creative Style settings for greater freedom of expression
A quick press of the Function
button displays the menu list, which gives
you instant access to mode settings for the f lash, metering, autofocus, AF
area, white balance, and D-Range Optimizer. It's a fast and easy way to get
to frequently used functions without having to navigate through multi-level
The large 2.7-inch Clear Photo LCD monitor makes it easy to review photos
aer they are taken, and lets you zoom in on specic details to conrm fo-
cus. Detailed shooting information and histograms can also be displayed
for on-the-spot conrmation of exposure balance and highlight/shadow
reproduction. In addition, the screen automatically switches to a vertical-
format display when you rotate the camera for vertical-format shooting, and
switches o automatically when you put your eye to the viewnder. The large
screen is also great just for viewing photos, and oers index views of up to
25 frames to help you nd your favorites fast.
In Auto and Scene Selection modes, the built-in f lash pops up automatically
whenever it is needed. Even when you're shooting outdoors in daylight, if the
200 senses that a subject is backlit, the ash will pop up to provide additional
illumination. Flash power is rated GN12
85mm, ISO100·m
, with wide enough
coverage to allow use with an 18mm sheye lens.
The mode dial on the top of the
200 provides immediate access to Program,
Aperture priority, Shutter-speed priority, and Manual exposure modes, as well
as a fully-automatic Auto mode, Flash O mode, and 6 Scene Selection
modes. The Scene Selection modes optimize AF, drive mode, shutter speed,
aperture, and other settings to ensure beautiful results when shooting portraits,
landscapes, sunsets, sports, macro photos, and night scenes.
The option of recording images in the 16
9 format enables you to view
dramatic slideshows on a widescreen HDTV. In addition, if you use
PhotoTV HD compatible Sony peripheral devices for image playback,
you can enjoy an even higher level of big-screen display quality.
* Availability of peripheral devices varies according to region.
200 is powered by a high-density NP-FM500H InfoLITHIUM
battery that
lets you take approximately 750 shots* before recharging is required, and
features a battery level indicator that oers precise 1% accuracy. An optional
VG-B30AM vertical grip, capable of holding two NP-FM500H InfoLITHIUM
batteries, oers extended power and a full complement of basic camera
controls to enhance operating ease during vertical-format shooting.
* CIPA standard test; built-in ash used on 50% of shots.
Creative Style settings make it easy to adjust image parameters to suit your
preference and creative intent. A choice of Standard, Vivid, Portrait, Land-
scape, Night view, Sunset, Black & White, and Adobe RGB styles is oered, and
each can be adjusted for contrast, saturation, and sharpness
no satura-
tion adjustment on Black & White
. Whether you want to capture a moody
black & white portrait or a colorful sunset at the beach, Creative Style set-
tings oer a quick, easy way to get the precise image you want.
* Images on the monitor are simulated.
Night view
Black & White
Adobe RGB
For nighttime ash portraits with rich background
detail; for dramatic night scenes and nighttime
For beautiful portraits with so background
For crisp, vivid images of distant scenery
and foreground subjects
For clear, sharp images of owers, insects,
and other small subjects
For sharp images of fast-moving subjects
in bright light
For sunset images with rich red tones