Notes on using OpenMG Jukebox
On copyright protection
OpenMG technology* allows you to enjoy digital music while maintaining
the copyrights of its holders. OpenMG Jukebox encrypts audio files in
OpenMG format and stores them on the hard disk of your computer to
prevent unauthorized distribution.
* The copyright protection technology of your CLIÉ handheld conforms to SDMI
(Secure Digital Music Initiative) specifications.
Your CLIÉ handheld has some restrictions on recording and playback to
protect copyrights. You can Check-In audio files only to the same computer
from which they were Checked-Out. They cannot be copied or Checked-In
to other computers. For details, see “Restrictions on copyright protection by
OpenMG” on page 54.
Restrictions on audio content
High quality digital audio content is widely available through music
distribution services on the Internet. To protect the copyrights of its holders
from unauthorized distribution, some audio content is distributed with
certain restrictions on recording and playback. For example, the playback
period or playback count for the data may be limited.
You cannot Check-In audio files
to any computer other than the
computer used for Check-Out.
You cannot copy or
move audio files to
another computer.
You can Check-In audio
files only to the
computer from which
they were Checked-Out.