5-1. Setting Items of the Primary Station
No. out 1=VID 2=A1 3=A2 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8
001 OUT001 IN001 IN001 IN017 IN001 IN001 IN001 IN001 .....
002 OUT002 IN002 IN002 IN018 IN002 IN002 IN002 IN002 .....
003 OUT003 IN003 IN003 IN019 IN003 IN003 IN003 IN003 .....
004 OUT004 IN004 IN004 IN020 IN004 ..... IN004 ..... .....
005 OUT005 IN005 IN005 ..... IN005 IN005 IN005 IN005 .....
006 OUT006 IN006 IN006 ..... IN006 IN006 IN006 IN006 .....
007 OUT007 IN007 IN007 ..... IN007 IN007 IN007 IN007 .....
008 OUT008 IN008 IN008 ..... IN008 IN008 IN008 IN008 .....
009 OUT009 IN009 IN009 ..... IN009 ..... IN009 IN009 .....
010 OUT010 IN010 IN010 ..... IN010 IN010 IN010 IN010 .....
011 OUT011 IN011 IN011 ..... IN011 IN011 IN011 IN011 .....
012 OUT012 IN012 IN012 ..... IN012 IN012 IN012 IN012 .....
013 OUT013 IN013 IN013 ..... IN013 ..... IN013 ..... .....
014 OUT014 IN014 IN014 ..... IN014 IN014 IN014 IN014 .....
015 OUT015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 .....
016 OUT016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 .....
0=IN 1=OUT 2=.... 3=.... 4=.... 5=.... 6=.... 7=....
8=.... 9=.... A=.... B=.... C=.... D=.... E=.... F=GPHA
Operating Function Keys
[F1] : SEARCH (To select a destination name)
1. When [F1] is pressed, “Please Input DEST
NAME =” will be displayed.
2. Input the destination name to be retrieved.
In the Description name mode, input the
Description name (within seven characters)
from the head.
3. When [Enter] is pressed, the destination name
entered will be searched.
4. If the desired name does not exist in the screen,
press [F1] again.
If there are several names whose typed characters are the
same in the Description name mode, move the cursor to the
first name displayed and press [Enter] to continue moving
the cursor to the next name.
[F1] : SEARCH (To select a source name)
In the Description name mode, the setting proce-
dure is as follows.
1. When [Enter] is pressed, the source input
mode will be set.
2. Input the desired Description name (within
seven characters) from the head.
3. Every time [F1] is pressed, the desired name
will be searched.
4. When the desired name is displayed, press
Return or Enter to set the crosspoint.
[F2] : JUMP (To move the cursor to the desired destina-
tion number)
1. When [F2] is pressed, “Please Input DEST
NUMBER =“ will be displayed.
2. Input the destination number to be retrieved.
3. When [Enter] is pressed, the cursor will move
to the desired destination number.
[F3] : Pg Up
When [F3] is pressed, the screen will display the 16
lines previous to the 16 lines displayed currently.
[F4] : Pg Dn
When [F4] is pressed, the screen will display the 16
lines next to the 16 lines displayed currently.
[F5] : LEVEL
When [F5] is pressed, a level can be selected.
Select the level number using the numerical key and
press [Enter]. If [A] is pressed instead of the
numerical key and press [Enter] here, the screen
will display a list of all levels. Thefunction keys
[F1], [F2], and [F5] on the ALL screen have the
same functions as those of the initial screen menu
item [Q].
Example of Setting Screen