
5-1. Setting Items of the Primary Station
No. out 1=VID 2=A1 3=A2 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8
001 OUT001 IN001 IN001 IN017 IN001 IN001 IN001 IN001 .....
002 OUT002 IN002 IN002 IN018 IN002 IN002 IN002 IN002 .....
003 OUT003 IN003 IN003 IN019 IN003 IN003 IN003 IN003 .....
004 OUT004 IN004 IN004 IN020 IN004 ..... IN004 ..... .....
005 OUT005 IN005 IN005 ..... IN005 IN005 IN005 IN005 .....
006 OUT006 IN006 IN006 ..... IN006 IN006 IN006 IN006 .....
007 OUT007 IN007 IN007 ..... IN007 IN007 IN007 IN007 .....
008 OUT008 IN008 IN008 ..... IN008 IN008 IN008 IN008 .....
009 OUT009 IN009 IN009 ..... IN009 ..... IN009 IN009 .....
010 OUT010 IN010 IN010 ..... IN010 IN010 IN010 IN010 .....
011 OUT011 IN011 IN011 ..... IN011 IN011 IN011 IN011 .....
012 OUT012 IN012 IN012 ..... IN012 IN012 IN012 IN012 .....
013 OUT013 IN013 IN013 ..... IN013 ..... IN013 ..... .....
014 OUT014 IN014 IN014 ..... IN014 IN014 IN014 IN014 .....
015 OUT015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 IN015 .....
016 OUT016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 IN016 ..... 
0=IN 1=OUT 2=.... 3=.... 4=.... 5=.... 6=.... 7=....
8=.... 9=.... A=.... B=.... C=.... D=.... E=.... F=GPHA
Operating Function Keys
[F1] : SEARCH (To select a destination name)
1. When [F1] is pressed, “Please Input DEST
NAME =” will be displayed.
2. Input the destination name to be retrieved.
In the Description name mode, input the
Description name (within seven characters)
from the head.
3. When [Enter] is pressed, the destination name
entered will be searched.
4. If the desired name does not exist in the screen,
press [F1] again.
If there are several names whose typed characters are the
same in the Description name mode, move the cursor to the
first name displayed and press [Enter] to continue moving
the cursor to the next name.
[F1] : SEARCH (To select a source name)
In the Description name mode, the setting proce-
dure is as follows.
1. When [Enter] is pressed, the source input
mode will be set.
2. Input the desired Description name (within
seven characters) from the head.
3. Every time [F1] is pressed, the desired name
will be searched.
4. When the desired name is displayed, press
Return or Enter to set the crosspoint.
[F2] : JUMP (To move the cursor to the desired destina-
tion number)
1. When [F2] is pressed, “Please Input DEST
NUMBER =“ will be displayed.
2. Input the destination number to be retrieved.
3. When [Enter] is pressed, the cursor will move
to the desired destination number.
[F3] : Pg Up
When [F3] is pressed, the screen will display the 16
lines previous to the 16 lines displayed currently.
[F4] : Pg Dn
When [F4] is pressed, the screen will display the 16
lines next to the 16 lines displayed currently.
[F5] : LEVEL
When [F5] is pressed, a level can be selected.
Select the level number using the numerical key and
press [Enter]. If [A] is pressed instead of the
numerical key and press [Enter] here, the screen
will display a list of all levels. Thefunction keys
[F1], [F2], and [F5] on the ALL screen have the
same functions as those of the initial screen menu
item [Q].
Example of Setting Screen