Setting Up the Camera
Mounting the Camera to a Tripod
Mount the camera to a tripod using a VCT-14 Tripod
• Select an appropriate hole from among those at the
bottom of the tripod adaptor considering the balance of
the weight of the camera and the tripod adaptor. If an
inappropriate hole is selected, the camera may fall over.
• Check that the size of the selected hole matches that of
the screw of the tripod. If they do not match, the tripod
adaptor cannot be attached to the tripod securely.
Mounting procedure
Attach the tripod adaptor to the tripod and secure it
with the screw.
Place the camera on the tripod adaptor, and slide
forward it along the groove of the tripod adaptor until
it clicks.
Removing the camera from the tripod
Hold down the red button and pull the lever in the direction
of the arrow.
If the pin of the tripod adaptor does not
return to its original position
After removing the camera, if the pin of the tripod adaptor
does not return to its original position, hold down the red
button and move the lever in the direction of the arrow to
return the pin to its original position. It is not possible to
mount a camera with the pin not seated.
Tripod adaptor
Tripod adaptor
Red button
Original position