Thank you for purchasing the Sony USB Camera CMR-PC2 USB/PC3 USB/PC4 USB. This
camera comes with the licenced software product described below. Please read the following
Software Licence Agreement before installing this software. By opening the software package
and using this software, you agree to the terms of the Software Licence Agreement.
SONY USB CAMERA Video Recorder
This is a legal agreement between you (hereafter referred to as the User) and
Sony Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Sony) pertaining to the right to use
the Driver Software program (hereafter referred to as the PROGRAM).
1. General rules
Sony grants the User the right to use the PROGRAM in the country where the User
purchased the PROGRAM. The User is not granted the exclusive right to use the
PROGRAM, and the User may not transfer the right to use the PROGRAM to anyone else.
2. Right of use
1. The right to use the PROGRAM granted to the User under this agreement applies only
to the User making the original purchase.
2. The User may not copy, update, add to, or modify the PROGRAM or any
accompanying documents, either in whole or in part. However, the User may make one
copy of the PROGRAM solely for backup.
3. The User may not delete or change the PROGRAM’s copyright notice. The User must
keep a record of the location in which the backup copy of the PROGRAM is stored.
3. Restriction on transfer of the PROGRAM
1. The User may not transfer the Right of Use described above to any third party nor allow
for any third party to use the PROGRAM unless the User obtains the advance written
permission of Sony.
2. The User may not export or transport the PROGRAM or documents accompanying the
PROGRAM from the country where the User purchased the PROGRAM to any other
3. The User may not disassemble or de-compile the PROGRAM, or nanalyse the source
code of the PROGRAM.
4. Copyright
Copyright and all other rights relating to the PROGRAM and documents accompanying
the PROGRAM are owned by Sony or the original rightful person or organization
(hereafter referred to as the original rightful person) granting Sony the right to use the
PROGRAM. The User is granted no rights other than those specified in this agreement.
5. Exemption of responsibility
In no event shall Sony be liable for any damages whatsoever to the User or to any other
third party arising out of the use of or inability to use the PROGRAM.