
“As I started looking around I saw this
statue of Buddha lit by neon lights that
seemed more suited to the window of
a bar than a temple.
“We went to a Buddhist temple in Vietnam expecting to see weathered monks praying
in dramatic shafts of light. When we got there, all the monks were gone, and the
temple was lit with fluorescent light. That’s the way it goes sometimes and you always
need to make the best of it. As I started looking around I saw this statue of Buddha lit
by neon lights that seemed more suited to the window of a bar than a temple. I really
liked this contradiction of objects and light. It’s important to have expectations but
also to understand they may not always be met and to be able to change course or
mindsets quickly in the field. It’s a very Buddhist approach....”
135mm F1.8 ZA
, 1/80 sec., F1.8, ISO 800