Functions that can be selected using the MENU button
*Available only when [Smart Telecon./Zoom] (page 30) is set to [Zoom].
Movie shooting menu
Long Exposure NR Sets noise reduction processing for shots with a shutter speed
of 1 second or longer.
High ISO NR Sets noise reduction processing for high-sensitivity shooting.
AF Illuminator Sets the AF illuminator, which provides light for a dark scene
to aid focusing.
Color Space Changes the range of color reproduction.
AEL w/ shutter Sets whether to adjust the exposure by pressing the shutter
button halfway down. This is convenient when you want to
adjust the focus and exposure separately.
Memory Registers combinations of frequently used modes and settings
and allows easy recall of those combinations using the mode
File Format Selects the movie file format.
Record Setting Selects the quality and size of the recorded movie frame.
(60i 24M(FX)/50i 24M(FX)/60i 17M(FH)/50i 17M(FH)/60p
28M(PS)/50p 28M(PS)/24p 24M(FX)/25p 24M(FX)/24p
17M(FH)/25p 17M(FH)/1440×1080 12M/VGA 3M)
SteadyShot Sets SteadyShot.
Auto Slow Shutter Sets whether to adjust the shutter speed automatically during
movie recording in case if the subject is dark.