(sample image)
• As the firmware update is executed, you will see three circle signs. The circle signs will
begin to blink and then turn on one-by-one. Once all three circles are lit, the update is
finished. The text „Finished – Turn off and on again“ appears on the screen.
(sample image)
<signs blinking>
1/3 finished
2/3 finished
• Turn the camera off.
(sample image)
Please push the “RESET” button by some sharp-pointed stuff, then set data mentioned below
again before you check the firmware version number, because after pushing the reset button
those data are initialised.
Volume, Beep, Metering Mode, White Balance, ISO, Picture Effect,
Sharpness, Saturation, Contrast, Scene Selection, EV, AF Range Finder Frame,
Multi Burst Shutter Interval, AF Mode, Digital Zoom, AF Illuminator,