Charging by connecting to a computer
The batlery pack can be charged by connecling the camera to a computer using
a multi-use terminal USB cable.
• Note the fnllnwing points when charging via a computer:
lfthe camera is connected to a laptop computer that is not connected to a power
source, the laptnp battery level decreases. Do not charge lor an extended period
of time.
Do not turn on/nff nr restart the computer, nr wake the computer resume fl'om
sleep mode when a USB connection has been established between the computer
and the camera. The camera may cause a malfimctinn. Before turning nn/off, or
restarting the computer nr waking the computer fl'om sleep mode, disconnect the
camera alld tile cnmputer.
No guarantees are made lot charging using a custnm=built computer or a
modified computer.
Charging time
The charging time is approximately 270 rain. using the AC Adaptor
• The above charging time applies when charging a fully depleted battery pack at a
temperature nf 25°C (77°F). Charging may take longer depending on conditions of
use and circumstances.