White paper | Xperia™ E4
10 February 2015
DLNA Certified® (Digital Living Network Alliance)
Supported Device Classes M-DMS – Mobile Digital Media Server
Media Types: images, music and video
Summary: The digital media server exposes the media
files in your device to a Wi-Fi® network. The files can
then be accessed from other DLNA CERTIFIED® clients.
M-DMP – Mobile Digital Media Player
Media Types: image, music and video
Summary: You can play content stored on another
device, for example, a server or a PC, directly on your
M-DMC – Mobile Digital Media Controller
Media Types: image, music and video
Summary: Digital Media Controllers find content offered
by a DMS or M-DMS and match it to the rendering capa-
bilities of a DMR — setting up the connections between
the DMS and DMR.
Media Types: image, music and video
Summary: You can play media in your device on another
device, such as a TV or a PC using 2 box push technol-
ogy. +PU+ is integrated in the Album, Movies and "Walk-
man®" applications.
Media Types: image, music and video
Summary: You can download content stored on another
device, for example, a server or a PC, and play the down-
loaded content directly on your device.
Media Types: image, music and video
Summary: A media server uploading function that allows
media files to be uploaded to Xperia devices from other
DLNA certified clients.
Supported Bearers Wi-Fi®
Wi-Fi Direct®
DRM Support The DLNA Certified® implementation does not support
DRM-protected content.