Past Date/Time • You set the alarm when the time has already passed. Check it and
set the appropriate date and time (page 53).
File Protected • The selected file is protected or is a “Read only” file. You cannot
erase it. Cancel the protection on the IC recorder or cancel “Read
only” on your computer to edit the file using the IC recorder
(page 67).
DPC is OFF • The DPC(SPEED CTRL) switch is set to “OFF,” and you cannot
adjust the playback speed with SPEED+/–.
Set Add/Overwrite • “Add/Overwrite” in the menu is set to “OFF.” You cannot add a
recording or an overwrite recording (pages 35, 37).
Unknown Data • This data is not in a file format that is supported by the IC
recorder. The IC recorder supports MP3(.mp3) files only. For
details, see “Design and specifications” on page 105.
• You cannot play back copyright protected files.
Invalid Operation • You cannot divide or set a track mark in files in a (music) or
(podcast) folder in the playback-only area.
• When a memory card has a bad block on it, the card cannot be
written to. Prepare a new memory card to replace the current one.
• The file name has reached the maximum number of characters;
you cannot divide the file. Shorten the file name.
• The “Divide All Track Marks” function cannot be used because
there is a track mark within 0.5 seconds from the dividing position.
• The “Divide All Track Marks” function cannot be used because
there is a track mark within 0.5 seconds from the beginning of a
file or the end of a file.
• The file length is less than 1 second; you cannot divide such a
short file.
• The “Divide Current Position” function cannot be used at a position
within 0.5 seconds from the beginning of a file or the end of a file.
Message Cause/Remedy