Functions that can be selected using the MENU button
Peaking Level Enhances the outline of in-focus ranges with a specific color
when focusing manually.
Peaking Color Sets the color used for the peaking function.
Exposure Set. Guide Sets the guide displayed when exposure settings are changed
in the shooting screen.
Live View Display Sets whether to reflect settings such as exposure
compensation in screen display.
(Setting Effect ON/Setting Effect OFF)
Disp. cont. AF area Sets whether or not to display the focus area in [Continuous
AF] mode.
Phase Detect. Area Sets phase detection AF area.
Pre-AF Sets whether to perform auto focus before the shutter button
is half pressed.
Zoom Setting Sets whether to use the Clear Image Zoom and Digital Zoom
when zooming.
(Optical zoom only/On:ClearImage Zoom/On:Digital Zoom)
Eye-Start AF Sets whether to use auto focus when you look through the
viewfinder if an LA-EA2/LA-EA4 Mount Adaptor (sold
separately) is attached.
FINDER/MONITOR Sets the method for switching between the viewfinder and the
Release w/o Lens Sets whether shutter can open when the lens is not attached.
AF w/ shutter Sets whether to perform AF when the shutter button is half
pressed. This is useful when you want to adjust the focus and
exposure separately.
AEL w/ shutter Sets whether to adjust the exposure by pressing the shutter
button halfway down. This is convenient when you want to
adjust the focus and exposure separately.