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Canadian custom rating options
If you selected
as the country of residence on page 69, the Custom Rating
setting includes the following options. (If you selected
, see page 69.)
TV Rating
Block programs
by their rating,
content or both
Age-Based Options
TV-Y All children.
TV-Y7 Directed to children age 7 and older.
TV-G General audience.
TV-PG Parental guidance suggested.
TV-14 Parents strongly cautioned.
TV-MA Mature audience only.
Content-Based Options
FV Fantasy violence.
D Suggestive dialog.
L Strong language.
S Sexual situations.
V Violence.
✍ The content ratings will increase depending on the level of the age-
based rating. For example, a program with a TV-PG V (Violence)
rating may contain moderate violence, while a
TV-14 V (Violence)
rating may contain more intense violence.
Option Description
English Rating C All children.
C8+ Children 8 years and older.
G General programming.
PG Parental guidance.
14+ Viewers 14 and older.
18+ Adult programming.
French Rating G General programming.
8 ans+ Not recommended for ages under 8.
13 ans+ Not recommended for ages under 13.
16 ans+ Not recommended for ages under 16.
18 ans+ Programming restricted to adults.
U.S.A. Rating See “TV Rating” above for details.
Option Description