To reduce tile risk ol tire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to
l'_lin or inoisture.
[] Reorient or relocate tile receiving antenna,
[] Increase tile separation between tile equipment and receiver.
[] Connect lhe equipment into an outlet on a circuil diltcrenl fronl lhlJt
to which file receiver is connected.
[] Consull the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician lor help.
Pursuant to FCC regulations, you are cautioned that ally changes or
modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your
audlority to operate lhis equiplnenl,
This synlbol is intended to alert the u_r to tile presence
of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the
product's enclosure that may be of sufficient
magnitude to constitute a risk of eleclric shock lo
This symbol is intended to alert tile u_r to tile presence
of inlpoltant operating and maintenance (selvicing)
instructions in the lileralure accompanying the
Tile apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects
filled with lk]ukls, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
To pre_ ent electric shock, do not use this polarized AC phlg with an
extension cord. receptacle or other outlel unless tile blades c_ul be fiflly
inserted to prevent blade exposure.
Note on Caption Vision
This TV prmides display ol TV closed captioning ill accordance with
]5. l 19 of tile FCC rules.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY
Model: KDS- 5t)A2000/KDS-55 A2110(I/KDS-60A2t)00
Responsible Party: Sony Eleclronics Inc.
Address: 16530 Via Esprillo.
San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone Nmnber: 858-942-223(t
This device complies with pan 15of tile FCC rules. Operation is subjecl
to the %llowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmfifl
inlerlPrence, and (2) this device nmst accepl any interlcrence received,
including inlerlcrence lhat inay cau_ undesired operation.
For Customers in Canada
This Class B digital apparatus conlplies with Canadian ICES-003.
[] Opelale tile TV only on 120 V AC,
[] The plug is designed, fi)r salcty purpo es. lo fil into the wall outlet
only one way. If you are unable to insert tile plug tully into tile outlet,
contacl your dealer.
[] If ally liquid or solid object should 1,111inside tile cabinel, unplug tile
TV immediately and have it checked by qualified service personnel
belom operating it fimher.
[] If you will not be using tile TV lor _veral days. disconnect file power
by pulling file plug ilselL Never pull on file toM,
[] For details concerning salPty precautions, see "hnporlanl Salcty
lnslrtlclions" on page 5.
[] Tile TV shouM be installed near an easily accessible power outlet.
[] To prcvenl internal heat buildup, do not block tile _entilation
[] Do not install tile TV ill ahot or humid place, or in a place subject to
excessive dust or mechanical vibration.
[] Avoid operating the TV at lemperaturcs below 41°F (5°C).
[] If tile TV is transported directly fl+oma cold to a warm location, or if
the room temperature changes suddenly, the picture may be blurred
or show poor color due to lllOisturc condensation. In this case, please
wait a tcw hours to let tile nloislure evaporate befi)re Iurning Oil tile
[] To obtain tile besl piclure, do nol expo_ tile semen Iv)direct
illuminalion or direct sunlight. 11isrecommended to use spot lighling
directed down lrom tile ceiling or to cover the windows that lace file
semen with opaque drapery. Itis desirable to install the TV in aroom
where the floor and walls are not of a reflective materiah
[] See pages 11 and 12lor more infi)rnlalion on tile installation,
Use tile lollowing Sony appliance(s) only with tile fi)llowing TV STAND.
Use with other TV STAND may cause instability and possibly resull ill
This equipment has been lcstcd and lound to comply with tile limits lot a
Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ol tile FCC Rules. These limits
am designed to provide reasonable protection againsl hamlfifl inlerlk:rcncc
illa residential installation. This equipnlent generates, uses and can radiate
radio fiequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
Jnstrucliolls, may cause harnltl/l inlerlkrence to radio colnlnllnicalions.
However. there is no guaranlee thai inlerlcrcncc will nol occur in a
particular inslallation. If this equipment does cause harmlul interllrmncc 1o
radio or televiskm reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try 1ocorrecl lhe
JnterlPrcnce by one or ii/ore of the fi)]]owJng measures:
To Customers
Suflkient expertise is required tot installing tile specilied producL Be sure
to s/ibcontract tile illstallation to Sony dealers or licensed contractors and
pay adequale allenlion to salcty during file inslallalion.