Using the Settings
Using the Settings
G:\#Sagyo\SONY\09 TV\kaihan KLV-
32U100M\1219_KLV32U100M_rev\2668009131\2668009131 KLV-
masterpage:3 columns Right
Display Area Normal Displays a standard size picture.
-1/-2 Allows you to adjust the viewable picture area
size. This is useful for viewing ticker tape or
banners at the top or bottom of the screen.
Allows you to move the position of the picture left and right in
the window. This function allows for horizontal adjustment of
the picture being displayed. (Available only in Wide Zoom and
Zoom modes.)
Vertical Center Allows you to move the position of the picture up and down in
the window. Available only in Wide Zoom and Zoom modes.
Press V/v and press to choose a correction.
Vertical Size Allows you to adjust the vertical size of the picture. (Available
only in Wide Zoom and Zoom modes.)
Press V/v and press to choose correction.
Option Description
Auto Wide, 4:3 Default,
Display Area and Vertical
Size are not available for
PC Input.
z Horizontal Center feature
is useful if unit is
connected to game
01US02WAR-UC.book Page 37 Monday, December 19, 2005 1:58 PM