• Movies recorded in 1080 60p/1080
50p format can be played back
only on 1080 60p/1080 50p-
supported devices.
Notes on wireless LAN
If your camera is lost or stolen, Sony
bears no responsibility for the loss or
damage caused by illegal access or
use of the registered access point on
the camera.
Warning on copyright
Television programs, films,
videotapes, and other materials may
be copyrighted. Unauthorized
recording of such materials may be
contrary to the provisions of the
copyright laws.
The pictures used in this
The photographs used as examples
of pictures in this manual are
reproduced images, and are not
actual images shot using this
On the data specifications
described in this manual
The data on performance and
specifications are defined under the
following conditions, except as
described in this manual: at an
ordinary ambient temperature of
25 ºC (77 °F), and using a battery
pack that has been fully charged for
about an hour after the charge lamp
has turned off.