Table of
Sample photo Menu Index
AEL w/ shutter
Sets whether or not to fix the exposure when you press the shutter button halfway down.
• When [Autofocus Mode] is set to [Continuous AF], the [Off] settings for [AEL w/ shutter] is invalid, and
the camera fixes the exposure for the first image when you press the shutter button halfway down. In
[Cont. Shooting] or [Spd Priority Cont.] mode, the camera keeps adjusting the exposure for the remaining
• AEL button operation (NEX-6 only) is given priority over the [AEL w/ shutter] settings.
• When [AEL toggle] is assigned to soft key B using [Custom Key Settings], operation using soft key B
will be given priority over the [AEL w/ shutter] settings (NEX-5R only).
On Fixes the exposure when you press the shutter button halfway
Off Does not fix the exposure when you press the shutter button
halfway down. Use this mode when you want to adjust focus and
exposure separately. The camera keeps adjusting the exposure
while shooting in [Cont. Shooting] or [Spd Priority Cont.] mode.