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Ver. Date Description of Revision
1.0 2007.04 New
1.1 2007.06 Addition of black color type to E, Australian and Tourist models
Change of Part No. for Ref. No. R507 and R608 on the MAIN board
1.2 2007.09 Addition of NWZ-A815/A816/A818 (ENG-07007)
1.3 2007.11 Addition of blue color type to US model (NWZ-A816)
Addition of US model for BestBuy (NWZ-A816)
1.4 2007.12 Addition of white color type to US model for BestBuy (NWZ-A816)
Change of Part No. for Ref. No. 209 on EXPLOEDE VIEWS
Addition of Ref. No. 210 on EXPLODED VIEWS
Change of Part No. for Application soft assy on ACCESSORIES
(for NWZ-A815/A816/A818) (Canadian, AEP, UK, French,
East European, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australian
Change of Instruction manual (QSG) for US model (BestBuy)
Change of Headphones for US model (NWZ-A815/A816/A818)