VAIO Notebook Computer Read Me First10
6 Double-click Sony i.LINK(1394) Adapter. The Sony i.LINK(1394)
Adapter window appears.
7 Click the Enable Device button.
8 Click Okay. The Sony i.LINK(1394) Adapter icon should no longer
have an “X” on it. This means Smart Connect is now enabled.
9 Close all windows, and restart your computer in order for the new
settings to take effect.
Now your Smart Connect software is ready to use. Note that when you
use Smart Connect to connect two VAIO computers, you must assign
each computer a unique name by which it can be identified when the two
computers are networked. See the Smart Connect online help for more
information. The VA I O
Z505 SuperSlim Pro™ Notebook User Guide also
contains information on using Smart Connect.
Enabling a Network
Your computer comes with built-in Ethernet networking capability.
Before using a network, you must enable Ethernet by following the
instructions under “Enabling Smart Connect,” above. Wherever the
instructions refer to the “Sony i.LINK(1394) Adapter,” substitute “Intel
8255x-based PCI Ethernet Adapter (10/100)” instead. For example, when
you reach step 6 of the instructions, instead of double-clicking Sony
i.LINK(1394) Adapter, double-click Intel 8255x-based PCI Ethernet
Adapter (10/100). Otherwise, the steps are the same.
Programmable Power Key
If you wish to use Programmable Power Key (PPK) to read your e-mail or
launch a web browser, you need an Internet connection and you must use
Microsoft Outlook
. In order to use PPK with your free Easy Internet
Access account, follow these steps:
1 Register your computer and sign up for free Internet access.
2 Launch Microsoft Outlook and verify that you can send and receive
e-mail using your free Easy Internet Access account.
If You Get an Error Message When Your Modem Tries to Dial
If you get a message saying your modem is unable to complete a dialup
connection, the message may be appearing because you are dialing from
an area where an overlay area code* has been implemented. In such areas,
even local calls require dialing the area code, or 1 + the area code, before